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FCS adjusts to COVID-19

Services / System Update

Along with the rest of the world, First Corporate Solutions continues to adjust and adapt to COVID-19. We continue to listen and learn as the evolving situation develops, and continue to follow information and guidance from experts to lead our actions as we look to protect our employees from harm’s way while also fulfilling our responsibilities to our clients and partners in risk management and compliance.

What has FCS done?

One challenge we’ve all faced is stay at home orders. To adapt, FCS went to work implementing remote workstations where applicable. This required coordination and teamwork from multiple levels and departments. The almost seamless transition is a true testament to one of FCS’ guiding principles in action, when needed: Foster a Collaborative Mentality. The team spirit to enact the remote workstations was vital.

FCS has also adjusted to new realities by ordering cloth masks for all staff, providing hand sanitizers and other sanitation tools and guidelines, and reorganizing office space to social distancing standards for those still working in the main offices.

As state and county offices begin reopening and begin processing the backlogs, FCS is ready to turn it all around as quickly as possible because of the adjustments we’ve made.

It’s not over. We see the marathon ahead but also the teamwork needed to overcome and deliver.



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